DIY PCB-Etching Agitator Ferric Chloride Solution Stirring Using an ATmega8 and DVD-ROM Stepper Motor



Etching custom circuit boards (PCBs) at home is a rewarding way to bring electronic projects to life, but achieving a clean, even etch requires consistent agitation of the etching solution. This article will guide you through creating a DIY PCB-etching agitator using a Ferric Chloride solution, a used DVD-ROM stepper motor, and an ATmega8 microcontroller. This setup ensures your PCB is etched evenly, improving the quality and precision of your circuits.

Project Overview

The PCB-Etching Agitator uses a stepper motor to create controlled, automated movement in the etching solution, helping dissolve copper evenly from the PCB. This prevents uneven etching and helps avoid issues like over-etching or patchy circuits.

How the Agitator Works

The agitator relies on a DVD-ROM stepper motor to create back-and-forth motion within the etching tank. The ATmega8 microcontroller, programmed to manage the motor's timing and direction, controls the motor via an H-Bridge circuit. The agitator gently moves the Ferric Chloride solution, ensuring it continuously flows over the PCB surface to produce a consistent etch.

Project Components and Requirements

  • ATmega8 Microcontroller: Low-cost and efficient microcontroller for controlling motor functions. Acts as the brain of the agitator, controlling the speed and direction of the motor.
  • Stepper Motor (from an old DVD-ROM): Can be salvaged from an unused DVD-ROM drive, ideal for small, precise movements. Provides precise movement for stirring the etching solution.
  • H-Bridge Motor Driver (e.g., L293D): To control the power supplied to the stepper motor, allowing for directional control. Manages the power and direction of the motor based on commands from the ATmega8.
  • Ferric Chloride Solution: A common etching solution for removing copper from PCBs.
  • Power Supply: 5V-12V power supply (depending on the motor's specifications).
  • Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For prototyping connections.
  • Frame for Agitator Arm: Holds the PCB in place and agitates the solution. Can be crafted from wood, plastic, or acrylic to secure the setup.

Advantages of an Automated Agitator

  • Improved Etching Precision: Even stirring prevents uneven etching, producing cleaner circuits.
  • Time-Saving: Automation allows the etching process to run without manual stirring.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Using recycled parts and a basic microcontroller makes it affordable and accessible for hobbyists.

Circuit Connection

This circuit connection is created in Fritzing

Source Code

You can check Github repository for the source code including the schematic diagram. GitHub Logo View on GitHub

#include <Stepper.h>

const int stepsPerRevolution  = 200;
const int PIN_START           = 2;            // Start/Stop button
const int PIN_LOCK            = 3;            // Lock/Unlock button pin
const int LED_START           = 4;            // Start/Stop button
const int LED_LOCK            = 5;            // Lock/Unlock button pin

const int PIN_SPEED           = 0;            // Analog pin for Speed
const int PIN_AMPLI           = 1;            // Analog pin for Amplitude

const int STOP_SPEED          = 6;            // To stop faster, then set to 3 below

int speedVal                  = 0;            // Stepper motor speed, controlled by pot on A0
int ampliVal                  = 0;            // Stepper motor  amplitude, controlled by pot on A1
int shakerState               = LOW;
int lockState                 = LOW;          // Current reading from the input PIN_LOCK
int startState                = LOW;          // Current reading from the input PIN_START
int lastLockState             = LOW;          // previous state of the LOCK button

Stepper agitateStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9, 10, 11); // Set PINS from L293D IC to Arduino (8,9,10,11) PINS

void setup() {
  pinMode(PIN_AMPLI, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_SPEED, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_START, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_LOCK, INPUT);
  pinMode(LED_LOCK, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  startCheck();               // Check 2 Buttons state (LOCK and START buttons)
  if (shakerState == HIGH) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      if (i == 0) {
        if (lockState == LOW) {     // If not LOCK then
          setttingsCheck();         // get Speed & Amplitude from Analog PINs
        agitateStepper.step(ampliVal);// Set amplitude value
      } else {
        if (lockState == LOW) {     // If not LOCK then
          setttingsCheck();         // get Speed & Amplitude from Analog PINs
  } else  {
    lockState = LOW;                // Reset lock state if STOP
    digitalWrite(LED_LOCK, lockState);                  // indicates the state by ON/OFF the LED for LOCK

void startCheck() {
  lockState = digitalRead(PIN_LOCK);                   // Get state of LOCK button
  startState = digitalRead(PIN_START);                // Get state of START button
  if (startState == LOW && shakerState == 1) {        // If STOP
    for (int i = 1; i <= STOP_SPEED; i++) {           // To avoid an abrupt stop, the speed is slowly decreased
      agitateStepper.setSpeed(speedVal / i);
    shakerState = LOW;                                  // Shaker Off
    lockState = LOW;
  } else if (startState == HIGH && shakerState == 0) { // Startup Routine
    agitateStepper.setSpeed(40);                       // Initial default speed
    agitateStepper.step(-205);                         // Move backwards by more than 1 revolution in order to find the start position
    agitateStepper.step(100);                          // Move to middle position of the full range of motion
    shakerState = HIGH;                                   // Shaker On
  } else {
    // Do nothing.
  digitalWrite(LED_START, shakerState);               // indicates the state by ON/OFF the LED for START
  digitalWrite(LED_LOCK, lockState);                // indicates the state by ON/OFF the LED for LOCK

void setttingsCheck() {
  speedVal = map(analogRead(PIN_SPEED), 1023, 0, 140, 30);  // Read analog value as SPEED
  ampliVal = map(analogRead(PIN_AMPLI), 1023, 0, 100, 25);  // Read analog value as AMPLITUDE

void printValues() {


This DIY PCB-Etching Agitator provides a practical, low-cost solution for anyone looking to improve their circuit board etching at home. By repurposing an old DVD-ROM motor and combining it with the power of the ATmega8 microcontroller, you can create a custom tool that ensures clean, accurate PCB etches. This project is a great example of how basic electronics can enhance the DIY electronics process.

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