How to Update Columns of One Table with Data from Another Table in MySQL


In MySQL, there are times when we need to update one table with data that resides in another table. This can be particularly useful for synchronizing information, applying calculated values from a related table, or updating records based on specific criteria. This tutorial walks through different approaches to updating columns in one table with values from another table in MySQL.

Scenario: Understanding the Use Case

Suppose we have two tables in a database:

  1. employees: Contains the details of each employee, such as employee_id, name, and department_id.
  2. departments: Stores information about departments, including department_id and department_name.

Let’s say we want to update the employees table to include the department_name from the departments table based on the department_id. This approach is common in situations where you need to sync data between related tables or populate fields for reporting purposes.

Example Table Structures





In this example, we want to update the department_name column in the employees table to match the corresponding name in the departments table based on department_id.

Basic Syntax: UPDATE with JOIN

In MySQL, you can use an UPDATE JOIN statement to update values in one table with data from another. This approach is efficient and straightforward for joining and updating related tables.

Basic Syntax for UPDATE JOIN

UPDATE table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column
SET table1.column_to_update = table2.column_with_value
WHERE <conditions>;

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Identify the Common Key: Make sure both tables share a common column (department_id in this case) to match records.
  2. Use UPDATE JOIN: Use UPDATE JOIN to set the desired column in the target table.
  3. Set the Condition (Optional): Add conditions to limit the records being updated, if necessary.

Implementing the Query

In our scenario, we want to update the employees table with the department_name from the departments table:

UPDATE employees
JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id
SET employees.department_name = departments.department_name;


  • UPDATE employees: Specifies the target table to be updated.
  • JOIN departments: Joins the employees table to the departments table on the department_id column.
  • SET employees.department_name: Sets the department_name column in the employees table to the corresponding value in the departments table.

Adding Conditions to the Update

Sometimes, you might want to add conditions to limit which rows get updated. For example, if we only want to update employees who don’t have a department_name assigned yet, we can add a WHERE clause.

UPDATE employees
JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id
SET employees.department_name = departments.department_name
WHERE employees.department_name IS NULL;

This will only update rows where the department_name is currently NULL, leaving existing names unchanged.

Example Execution and Results

Running the above queries will update the employees table as follows:

Before Update:


After Update:


Now, the department_name column in employees has been populated with the values from the departments table based on each employee's department_id.

Additional Considerations

  • Indexing: Ensure that the columns used in the JOIN condition are indexed, especially in large tables, to improve performance.
  • Backup: Always back up data before running mass UPDATE queries, especially if the changes are complex or involve many rows.
  • Testing: Try testing queries in smaller datasets or use a SELECT statement with the JOIN first to ensure the data matches the expected result before committing to an update.


Updating one table with data from another table in MySQL can be achieved easily using UPDATE JOIN. This technique helps synchronize data between related tables and can be customized with conditions to refine the update scope. Understanding how to leverage UPDATE JOIN with conditions will enhance your ability to manage and update data across relational tables effectively.

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