DAT File Browser (Parsing .DAT File in Windows Form C#.Net )

In this tutorial, we’ll create a DAT File Browser using C# and DevExpress. This application will scan a directory for .dat files, parse their contents using the ByteBlocks.DatFileParser library, and display entries in a structured grid format.

Project Structure

Here is the structure of our project in the Solution Explorer:

The project includes the following key files:

  • DatEntry.cs: Defines the structure for each entry in the .dat files.
  • DatLocation.cs: Represents specific locations for .dat files.
  • PredefinedEnvironments.cs: Stores predefined locations and tags for browsing.
  • MainForm.cs: Contains the main logic for loading and displaying .dat file data.
  • Program.cs: Starts the application.


public class DatEntry
    public String Type { get; set; }
    public String Object { get; set; }
    public String LastAccess { get; set; }


 public class DatLocation
     public String Tag { get; set; }
     public String Directory { get; set; }


 public class PredefinedEnvironments
    public static List<DatLocation> Locations = new List<DatLocation>() {
         new DatLocation() {
             Tag = "USER_FILE",
             Directory =Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile),
         new DatLocation() {
             Tag = "COOKIES",
             Directory =Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies),
         new DatLocation() {
             Tag = "TEMP_IE",
             Directory =Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache),
         new DatLocation() {
             Tag = "HISTORY",
             Directory =Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.History),

MainForm Code Walkthrough

The main form (MainForm.cs) uses DevExpress components to create a rich UI. This form inherits from FluentDesignForm, a class in DevExpress that offers an easy-to-style, modern design.

Setting Up the UI

The form has an accordion control on the left for selecting predefined directories, a toolbar with a button for browsing files, and a grid control to display the parsed data.

public partial class MainForm : DevExpress.XtraBars.FluentDesignSystem.FluentDesignForm
    public MainForm() {

Loading Data from DAT Files

The LoadDataFiles method is responsible for scanning the specified directory for .dat files, parsing them, and binding the parsed entries to the grid control.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

    1. Begin Update and Show Loading Panel:

  • Temporarily disables the grid control updates to avoid UI flicker and show a loading indicator.

    2 Initialize Lists to Store Data:

  • urls for storing URL entries.
  • redirects for storing redirect entries.
  • entries for combining URL and redirect entries into a single list.
List<UrlEntry> urls = new List<UrlEntry>();
List<RedirectEntry> redirects = new List<RedirectEntry>();
List<DatEntry> entries = new List<DatEntry>();

    3. Retrieve and Parse DAT Files:

  • IndexDatParser.GetListOfIndexFiles gets all .dat files in the specified directory.
  • IndexDatParser.Parse parses each .dat file and fills urls and redirects based on the type of entry.
List<string> datFiles = IndexDatParser.GetListOfIndexFiles(rootFolder);
foreach (var datFile in datFiles) {
    var parseResult = IndexDatParser.Parse(datFile);
    if (parseResult.Status == 0) {

    4. Transform Entries into Display Format:

  • Each UrlEntry and RedirectEntry is wrapped in a DatEntry instance with the type (URL or REDIRECT) and added to entries.
if (urls.Count > 0) {
    foreach (var urlEntry in urls) {
        var url = new DatEntry {
            Type = "URL",
            Object = urlEntry.Url,
            LastAccess = urlEntry.LastAccessTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + urlEntry.LastAccessTime.ToShortTimeString()

    5. Bind Entries to the Grid:

  • BindingList<DatEntry> is used to wrap entries and provide data binding to the grid.
  • Finally, gridControl1.DataSource is set to the binding source.
var bindingList = new BindingList<DatEntry>(entries);
var source = new BindingSource(bindingList, null);
gridControl1.DataSource = source;

    6. Finalize Loading and Show Data:

  • The loading panel is hidden, and updates are re-enabled for the grid.

Handling Accordion Item Click

The accordion control lets users navigate between predefined directories. When an item is clicked, the application loads .dat files from the associated directory,

private void AccordionItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    AccordionControlElement item = sender as AccordionControlElement;
    if (item != null) {
        lblSelected.Caption = item.Text;
        var tag = item.Tag as string;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) {
            DatLocation location = PredefinedEnvironments.Locations.Find(x => x.Tag == tag);
            if (location != null) {
                lblDirectory.Text = location.Directory;

Browsing for a Specific DAT File

The btnBrowseFile_ItemClick method allows the user to manually select a .dat file. When the file is selected, the directory of the file is loaded.

private void btnBrowseFile_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {
    using (OpenFileDialog fileDialog = new OpenFileDialog()) {
        fileDialog.CheckFileExists = true;
        fileDialog.CheckPathExists = true;
        fileDialog.Filter = "DAT Files (*.dat)|*.dat";
        if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {


This application showcases how to use DevExpress controls and a custom parser to browse and analyze .dat files. The combination of AccordionControl for navigation, GridControl for data display, and BindingList for dynamic data binding provides a powerful and user-friendly interface for handling DAT files.

With a few additions, such as more complex filtering and sorting options, you can expand this application into a fully functional browser for .dat file contents.

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